Material Safety Data Sheet

1. Identification

Product name: 

NanoMiix Antimicrobial Guard

Other names:

Water based low sheen paint

Recommended use:

Decorative and protective coating for architectural surfaces

Toll manufacturer:

Robertson’s Paint Pty Ltd.


36 122 588 130


6 Christie Street, St Marys NSW 2760 

PO Box 263, St Marys NSW 1790


+61 2 9623 4022 (Business hours)


+61 2 9673 1460

Emergency phone: 

+61 410 453 403 (After hours)

2. Hazard Identifications

Hazard Category 

This product is classified as not hazardous in accordance with GHS criteria in Australia. 

GHS Classification 

No GHS Hazard Classification applies 

GHS Pictograms 

Hazard Statement 

Not hazardous 

Hazard Statements

  Not hazardous

Precautionary Statements

 Not hazardous


Dangerous Goods Classification: None 

Poisons Schedule: None 

 Chemical Ingredient  CAS Number Proportion (% v/v)

Ingredients determined to be non hazardous - 100%

First Aid Measures

For advice, contact Poisons Information Centre (Phone Australia: 13 11 26) or a doctor. 


If swallowed, DO NOT induce vomiting. Keep at rest. Seek immediate medical attention. 

Eye contact 

Flush eyes with large amounts of water until irritation subsides. Seek immediate medical attention.

Skin contact 

Flush area with large amounts of water and wash area with soap if available. Remove contaminated clothing, including  shoes, and launder before reuse. Seek medical attention for skin irritations. 


Using proper respiratory protection, immediately remove the affective victim from exposure. Administer artificial  respiration if breathing has stopped. Keep at rest. Seek immediate medical attention. 

First aid facilities 

Provide eye baths and safety showers. 

Medical attention 

Treat according to symptoms. 

5. Fire Fighting Measures

Shut off product that may ‘fuel’ a fire if safe to do so. Allow trained personnel to attend a fire in progress providing fire  fighters with this Safety Data Sheet. Prevent extinguishing medial from escaping to drains and waterways. 

Suitable extinguishing media 

If material is involved in a fire use water fog, fine water spray, foam or dry agent. 

Hazards from combustion products 

Non-combustible material. 

Precautions for fire fighters and special protective equipment 

Not combustible, however following evaporation of aqueous component residual material can burn if ignited. On burning  may emit toxic fumes. Fire fighters should wear self-contained breathing apparatus and suitable protective clothing. 

Hazchem code 


6. Accidental Release Measures

Prevent product from escaping to drains and waterways. Contain leaking packaging in a containment drum. Prevent  vapours or dusts from building up in confined areas. Ensure that drain valves are closed at all times. Clean up and report  spills immediately. 

Methods and materials for containment 

Major land spill 

  • Eliminate source of ignition. 
  • Warn occupants of downwind areas of possible fire and explosion hazard, where present. 
  • Prevent product from entering sewers, watercourses, or low-lying areas. 
  • Keep the public away from the area. 
  • Shut off the source of the spill if possible and safe to do so. 
  • Advise authorities if substance has entered a watercourse or sewer or has contaminated soil or vegetation.
  • Take measures to minimise the effect on the ground water. 
  • Contain the spilled product using the resources in the spill kit. 
  • Recover by pumping – use explosion proof pump or hand pump – or with a suitable absorbent material.
  • Consult an expert on disposal of recovered material and ensure conformity to local disposal regulations.
  • See “First Aid Measures” and “Stability and Reactivity”. 

Major water spill 

  • Eliminate any sources of ignition. 
  • Warn occupants and shipping in downwind areas of possible fire and explosion hazard, where present.
  • Notify the port or relevant authority and keep the public away from the area. 
  • Shut off the source of the spill if possible and safe to do so. 
  • Confine the spill if possible. 
  • Remove the product from the surface by skimming or with suitable absorbent material. 
  • Consult an expert on disposal or recovered material and ensure conformity to local disposal regulations.
  • See “First Aid Measures” and “Stability and Reactivity”. 

7. Handling and Storage

Precautions for safe handling 

Avoid skin and eye contact and inhalation of vapour, mist or aerosol. 

Conditions for safe storage 

Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Protect containers from physical damage and check regularly for leaks.  Avoid release to the environment, store in bunded areas and ensure exit drains are closed. 

Incompatible materials 

Oxidising agents. 

8. Exposure Controls: Personal Protection

National exposure standards 

The time weighted average concentration (TWA) for this product is: None specified, which means the highest allowable exposure concentration in an eight-hour day for a five-day working week. The short-term exposure limit (STEL) is: None  specified, which is the maximum allowable exposure concentration at any times. Replacing a TWA or STEL value for some  products is a Peak Limitation value (Peak): None applies in this case. In addition to the exposure concentrations may be a  subsidiary caution in such cases where the product is a skin sensitiser, represented as (Sen), where None applies in this  case. 

Biological limit values (BLV) 

No data available. 

Engineering controls: Ventilation 

The use of local exhaust ventilation is recommended to control process emissions near the source. Laboratory samples  should be handled in a fume hood. Provide mechanical ventilation of confined spaces. Use explosion proof equipment. 

Personal protective equipment 

Respiratory protection: Where concentrations in air may approach or exceed the limits described in the National Exposure  Standards, it is recommended to use a half-face filter mask to protect from overexposure by inhalation. A type ‘A’ filter  material is considered suitable for this product. 

Eye protection: Always use safety glasses or a face shield when handling this product. 

Skin/body protection: Always wear long sleeves, long trousers, or coveralls, and enclosed footwear or safety boots when  handling this product. It is recommended that chemical resistant gloves be worn when handling this product. 

9. Physical and Chemical Properties


Unit of measurement 

Typical value



Milky white liquid

Boiling point/range 


Approximately 100

Flash point 


Not applicable

SG/Density (@ 15ºC) 

g/ml; kgm-3 

Approx 1.1

Vapour pressure (@ 20ºC) 


No data available

Vapour density (@ 20ºC) 

g/ml; kgm-3 

No data available

Autoignition temperature 


No data available

Explosive limits in air 

% vol/vol 

No data available

Viscosity (@ 20ºC) 

cPs, mPas 

No data available

Percent volatiles 

% vol/vol 

Less than 2.5

Acidity/alkalinity as pH 



Solubility in water 


Miscible with water

Other solvents 


The values listed are indicative of this product’s physical and chemical properties. For a full product specification, please consult the Technical Data Sheet. 

10. Stability and Reactivity

Chemical stability 

Stable at room temperature and pressure. 

Conditions to avoid 

Excessive heat, oxidising agents, and sources of ignition.

Hazardous decomposition products 

Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, other complexes on incomplete burning or oxidation. 

Hazardous reactions 

None established. 

Hazardous polymerisation 

Will not occur. 

11. Toxicological Information

Acute effects 


This product is likely to cause discomfort on swallowing and may result in gastric disturbance and soft tissue irritation. 

Eye contact 

Eye contact with this product may cause discomfort but will be relived with First Aid. 

Skin contact 

Contact with this product may result in mild irritations evidenced by itchiness, redness, and dryness of the affected area. 


Mists of this product may be uncomfortable on inhalation. Vapours are unlikely to be apparent except at elevated  temperatures. 

Chronic effects 

This product has been classified as non-hazardous. 

Other health effects information 

Persons with pre-existing skin or respiratory conditions may be sensitive to this product. 

Toxicological information 

Oral LD50: Not determined 

Dermal LD50: Not determined 

12. Ecological Information


Aquatic toxicity: 

Fish toxicity LC50: No information available 

Daphnia magna EC50: No information available 

Blue-green algae: No information available 

Green algae: No information available 

Persistence/Biodegradability: No information available 

Mobility: This product will be mobile on release to the environment, risking contamination of waterways, soils and  grasslands. 

13. Disposal Considerations

Disposal Methods 

Empty packaging should be taken for recycling, recovery or disposal through a suitably qualified or licensed contractor. Care should be taken to ensure compliance with national and local authorities. Packaging may still contain product residue that  may be harmful. Ensure that empty packaging is managed in accordance with Dangerous Goods regulations. 

Special Precautions 

This product is not suitable for disposal by either landfill or via municipal sewers, drains, natural streams, or rivers. This  product should be treated and disposed through chemical waste treatment, or considered for use in recycling. 

14. Transport Information

Road and Rail transport 

Marine transport 

Air transport

UN No. 


UN No. 


UN No. 


Proper shipping  



Proper shipping  



Proper shipping  



DG class 


DG class 


DG class 


Sub. Risk 


Sub. Risk 


Sub. Risk 


Packing group 


Packing group 


Packing group 








Dangerous goods segregation 

This product is not regulated for transport by Road and Rail. 


Country/Region: Australia 

Inventory: AICS 

Status: Listed 

Poisons Schedule: None 



AICS: Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances 

CAS Number: Chemical Abstracts Number 

GHS: Global Harmonised Systema 

IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer 

PPE: Personal Protective Equipment 

N/R: Non-regulated 

N/A: Not applicable 

UN: United Nations 


  • Supplier Safety Data Sheets 
  • (March 22) 
  • Animal toxicology data: (March 22) 
  • Ecotoxicology data: (March 22) 
  • Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials, Richard J Lewis Snr., pub. Canada (2005) 

The information sourced for the preparation of this document was correct and complete at the time of writing to the best of  the writer’s knowledge. The document represents the commitment to the company’s responsibilities surrounding the supply  of this product, undertaken in good faith. This document should be taken as a safety guide for the product and its  recommended uses but is in no way an absolute authority. Please consult the relevant legislation and regulations governing  the use and storage of this type of product.  

For further information, please contact NanoMiix Pty Ltd. 

Created: 10/05/2024 

Updated: 10/05/2024