About us

Nanotechnology Innovators
For 20 years, we’ve researched nanotechnology to understand and unlock the antimicrobial properties of metals, like silver and zinc oxide.
Our ongoing mission is to develop the worlds most effective and environment-friendly antimicrobial additives, delivering top of class products that ensure the safety of people and the buildings they live and work in.
One such product is NanoMiix Antimicrobial Guard.

Green Chemistry
All our nano metals are developed and manufactured in accordance with Green Chemistry principles.
Our products are tailored towards individuals seeking alternatives to the toxic, chemical-based ingredients prevalent in many modern products, making it the perfect product for large public and private spaces.
Our Team
Gustavo Fandino - CEO
Enables all technical development and product deployment. He has a strong background in shipping, commodities, and entrepreneurship. He brings 15+ years of comprehensive experience in the development of nano-metals and is known as a pioneer in the nanotechnology industry.
Juan Fandino - Director
Brings in vast experience from many diverse industries and always guided by his involvement in supply chain and business development. Juan is also responsible for coalescing the technical department with marketing and sales at NanoMiix.
Justin James - Director
Is responsible for all product, brand and marketing activities for NanoMiix. He has a diverse experience leading global sales, marketing, technology, and innovation teams in several industries. All coupled with a strong record of accomplishment in driving growth in large, medium, and small enterprises.
Peter West - Director
Peter has extensive experience in both international and domestic logistics, multi-site operations, sustainability, business management, and transformations. He currently leads the production, supply chain, and customer operations at Nanomiix.