


We use innovative nanotechnology to exponentially increase the antimicrobial properties of silver and zinc oxide.

Our formula used in NanoMiix Antimicrobial Guard creates a hostile environment for bacteria, mould, and viruses, including COVID-19.

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    Destroys viruses including H1N1 influenza virus and COVID-19.

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    Prevents growth on painted surfaces.

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    Provides lifetime protection from bacteria, including superbugs such as MRSA and E.coli. 

How it works

Silver and zinc oxide have enormous antimicrobial power. As nano-metals, that antimicrobial power increases exponentially, eliminating microbes by simultaneously attacking them in 3 ways.

  • 1. Protein damage:

    Causes the failure of essential functions within the microbes.

  • 2. Cell membrane damage:

    Structural integrity of the microbe is compromised, causing catastrophic structural failure.

  • 3. DNA interference:

    The genetic material of the microbe is disrupted, ultimately stopping it from replicating.

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